HYBRID EVENT: You can participate in person at Rome, Italy or Virtually from your home or work.



Neotectonics is a subdiscipline of tectonics that is virtually synonymous with active tectonics. It involves the study of current motions and deformations of the Earth's crust, as well as those from the recent geologic past. The study of horizontal and vertical crustal motions that occurred in the geologically recent past and may still be occurring today is known as neotectonics. Despite the fact that most crustal movements are caused by global plate motions (i.e., tectonic deformation), neotectonic studies make no assumptions regarding the mechanisms that cause deformation. GPS investigations, geodesy, and passive source seismology are among the geological and geophysical technologies used in neotectonics research. They also combine data from a variety of sources, such as fieldwork, seismic investigations, experimental studies, computer-based studies, and theoretical research. Furthermore, morphotectonic investigations are frequently employed in neotectonics. Morphotectonics is concerned with landforms, and it entails combining geological and morphological data to assess how the Earth's crust is currently deforming and so altering the land surface.

  • Neotectonic Evolution
  • Neotectonic Fault Movement
  • Active Tectonics
  • Earthquake Geology

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