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Environmental Geology and Hydrogeology

Environmental Geology and Hydrogeology

Environmental geology is the study of how humans interact with their geologic environment, which includes rocks, water, air, soil, and life. Earth processes have an effect on humans, and humans have an impact on Earth. Environmental geology, like hydrogeology, is an applied discipline concerned with the application of geological concepts to the solution of man-made environmental problems. It's a multidisciplinary field with linkages to engineering geology and, to a lesser extent, environmental geography. Each of these fields focuses on how humans interact with the geologic environment, which includes the biosphere, lithosphere, hydrosphere, and, to a lesser extent, the atmosphere. To put it another way, environmental geology is the use of geological information to resolve disputes, minimizing the risk of unfavorable environmental deterioration while enhancing the benefits of using natural and modified environments. The natural environment and resources are under severe strain as a result of rising global population and industrialization, putting them at the forefront of global challenges. Environmental geology is becoming more popular as answers to these problems are discovered. Hydrogeology (hydro- meaning water and -geology meaning "study of the Earth") is the branch of geology concerned with the distribution and movement of groundwater in the Earth's crust's soils and rocks (commonly in aquifers). Groundwater hydrology, geohydrology, and hydrogeology are all terms that are sometimes used interchangeably. The study of the principles controlling the movement of underground water, the mechanical, chemical, and thermal interactions of this water with porous solids, and the flow transport of energy, chemical components, and particulate matter is known as hydrogeology. Groundwater engineering (also known as hydrogeology) is a discipline of engineering that deals with the flow of groundwater and the construction of wells, pumps, and drains. Groundwater contamination, supply conservation, and water quality are all major challenges in groundwater engineering.

  • Ground Water
  • Soil Contamination
  • Environmental Problems
  • Geological Processes
  • Geo-Hazards
  • Environmental Problems
  • Environmental Impacts of Exploration, Remediation, And Hazardous Materials
  • Geoenvironmental Data
  • Information Systems
  • Techniques, Methods, Approaches and Experiences

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