Title : Geotechnical ground investigation
The term “ground” is defined in BS 5930 (1999) as covering soils, rocks, and made ground (e.g., reclaimed land). While Field Investigation refers to investigating the whole site and surrounding field for all aspects, Site Investigation investigates cover only the whole site for all aspects. However, Ground Investigation only investigates the ground and below ground aspects of the site, which may include soils and rocks, groundwater, and contaminants. This talk will cover the scope of the geotechnical aspect of ground investigation, covering soils, rocks, and groundwater with special emphasis on soil.
Ground Investigation is required for foundations and ground engineering works, which are usually included in infrastructure developments. In order to obtain the ground profile, groundwater conditions, and geotechnical parameters, ground investigation must be carried out at the proposed infrastructure development site. During the ground investigation, in-situ testing is necessary to obtain soil geotechnical parameters and collections of suitable types of disturbed and undisturbed samples for visual inspection and further laboratory testing such as classification tests, strength and consolidation tests. These collected disturbed and undisturbed samples are tested in an accredited geotechnical laboratory to obtain the required geotechnical parameters. The geotechnical data and parameters obtained from the properly planned geotechnical investigation can only provide valid analyses and design output. In order for the geotechnical engineer to plan an appropriate ground investigation which could provide all the necessary information, advanced knowledge of the site and surrounding area is required. To understand the site and the surrounding area, one has to start with a desk study, which means searching the information available in the public domain, literature, and data collections. This talk will go through from desk study, preliminary investigation, intrusive investigation to specialized in-situ testing and geotechnical instrumentation during ground investigation.